

FREE Day of Play & Evaluation for New Daycare Clients!

For staffing purposes, reservations are required. Free Welcome Day of Play subject to availability and cannot be combined with any other offers.
Daycare discount applies to first-time daycare customers only.

Or Fill Out Our Contact Form

How do I enroll my dog at Perfect Pooch?

Here at Perfect Pooch, we require all of our dogs to pass a temperament evaluation prior to using our services. In order to set up an evaluation time, please call us at 610-337-7698 to schedule an appointment. Please remember to upload your current vaccination records to the Gingr portal, which can be done through the registration email sent to you upon booking the evaluation. 

What does the temperament evaluation entail?

Because your dog’s safety is our number one priority, we require a basic temperament evaluation for all new dogs. The evaluation consists of observation of your dog interacting with other dogs in the play yards to ensure they are comfortable and interact well. We also want to make sure they are friendly and responsive to our staff. We will need your dog to remain with us for a minimum of eight hours to get a good idea of their play style and energy level. 

How much does the evaluation cost?

The evaluation itself is completely free so we encourage you to keep your dog with us until closing time to get the most of the day!

Does my dog have to be neutered/spayed?

We require your dog to be spayed/neutered if they are nine months or older. Please keep in mind that an intact dog could cause disruption in the yard (due excessive mounting, a female going into heat, etc.). If it were to become an ongoing problem, we would not be able to allow your dog in the play yards.

*Please do not bring your dog if she is in heat!

If a dog is displaying unwanted/unmanageable behavior in relation to not being spayed/neutered before the nine month mark, we reserve the right to ask you not to come back until they are spayed/neutered. When they do come back after the surgery, they will be re-evaluated to see if they can fit back into a playgroup.

What vaccinations do you require?

We require Rabies and Distemper (DHPP/DA2PP/DHLPP) vaccinations. We do not require Bordetella (Kennel Cough) or Canine Influenza, but we strongly recommend it. Additionally, per PA State Law, we must have a copy of the Rabies Certificate with expiration date of the vaccine,  the serial number, LOT number, vet signature and license number.

What is a typical day at Perfect Pooch like for my dog?

Both our daycare and boarding dogs play in artificial turf yards, which are separated by dog size and play type, from 7 AM until 10 AM, Our boarding dogs (and daycare dogs who brought a lunch) go into an individual crate or kennel, inside of our climate-controlled kennel for mid-day feed and rest period until 1 PM. At that time, the dogs go back out to their respective yards to continue playing until they are picked up from daycare. If they are boarding, they go back into their individual crate or kennel for their dinner at 7 PM.

What happens when there is inclement weather?

Our indoor facility allows our dogs to play in all types of weather! Our 3-acre facility is accompanied by a 4,000 square foot turfed and climate-controlled addition. The building is equipped with multiple garage doors that allow us to give dogs access to both indoor and outdoor play yards or contain them in the heated areas on those extremely cold and windy days.

Where does my dog sleep at night?

Your dog will be sleeping in an individual crate or stand-up kennel, which are housed inside our climate-controlled kennel. The crates are large enough for your dog to be able to stand up and turn around completely, without touching the sides. There are composite plastic trays that will be underneath your dog for comfort as well as safety.  The stand-up kennels are similar in size, they have a plastic surround with see-through doors, but contain a raised kuranda bed for some of our older or large breed dogs. Your dog will be comforted by soft music and will quickly fall asleep after his long day of playing! *We do have a limited number of stand-up kennels.

What should I bring with my dog when I drop him/her off for boarding?

All you need to bring with you is your dog on a leash, his/her food and any other necessities, such as medication or vitamins. You can bring in the whole bag of food, pre-portioned Ziploc/containers, or whichever is easiest for you! We provide all bowls and have plenty of measuring cups. If you forgot to bring your dog’s food, we do have different varieties of house food we can provide for $2/cup. If your dog has medication, we can administer those with either peanut butter or pill pockets with a fee of $3/administration. However, if you use something specific that you know your dog will enjoy, please feel free to bring that with you. Unfortunately, we cannot accept toys, beds/blankets, or bones. We do our best to maintain a safe environment for your dog during his/her stay and take all necessary precautions. While your dog may be comfortable in your own home, he/she could become anxious overnight and begin to chew at those items causing a choking hazard.

*Accommodations will be applied for elderly or injured dogs.

Is there always staff supervision of the dogs during play time?
Your dog’s safety is of our utmost priority. There are always multiple employees supervising the play and interaction of our dogs.
Do I need to make a reservation for Daycare? Boarding?

We do ask that you make a reservation in advance for daycare as this can help us with staffing daily. For your convenience, we do not have specific drop-off or pick-up times; you can do so any time during our operating hours. Please note that we do not offer partial days, so if you drop off late, you will be charged for the full day. For boarding, we recommend at least 48 hours during our non-peak season. For our busier times, such as holidays and during the summer, we recommend booking at least one week in advance to ensure availability. Reservations can be made through our Gingr app or over the phone.

What if I am away on vacation and my dog gets sick?

We know that sometimes illnesses and injuries can happen, so we are prepared to deal with them quickly and effectively when they do arise. We have a great relationship with many vets in our area and keep a stock of chicken, rice and other bland diet options for the occasional upset stomach. We do require you to have an emergency contact on file in the case of a more serious injury or lapse in health, so this person can be reached and notified immediately, but pick up if necessary. In the event where we feel a veterinary visit is needed and your pet cannot be seen by your usual vet, we will likely use the King of Prussia Veterinary Hospital (with your permission, of course). We are also near a 24-hour animal hospital. If your pet needs to stay with us after a planned surgery or while recovering from a non-contagious illness, we can sometimes accommodate them, depending on the surgery or injury, with an individual or limited supervised play. 

Do you provide a tour of the facility?

We have a newly updated live tour on our Facebook Page, Perfect Pooch: The Pack Leaders, that will take you through the different areas of the facility from the indoor/outdoor play yards to our kennel area where your dog will be staying. Unfortunately, we do not have the capability to do in person tours. Allowing unfamiliar/new people to walk through our facility to view our play yards, can be a safety hazard for the dogs in our care and lead to the possibility of unforeseen altercations between dogs.

Should I bring a leash for my dog when I bring them to daycare? Boarding?

PA State Law states that dogs must always be secured with a leash and collar and confined within the premises of the owner. As a facility, we abide by this rule and strongly enforce it to ensure the safety and well being of all the dogs in our care. All dogs should be leashed when walking to and from our drop off area. We do not suggest the use of retractable leashes.

How can I see my dog while they are in daycare? Boarding?

We post videos and pictures on our various social media platforms. We use Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook. You can also message us through any of these platforms to check in on your dog during the day. If they are boarding with us, unfortunately, we do not have webcams that can be accessed for client use to view your dog overnight, but we do have cameras for employee use to monitor the dogs in our care.